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I currently work at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in the Brand Design department. In addition to the projects for the 'Republic', I am also responsible for internal brand-specific tasks. This includes maintaining company websites such as frankfurterallgemeine.de, fazkongress.de and freiheitimkopf.de. My tasks also include designing various advertising materials for different campaigns, offers and channels in the digital sector. I also design special editorial advertising publications and am currently involved in the relaunch of the new faz-archiv.de website, where I did the whole User Interface design.

An arrow for scrolling down to contents.
Lena Eggert
+49 1516 1276262
Digital Designer
Aschaffenburg, Germany


The FAZ Congress takes place every year. This year, it will take place on March 21, 2025 under the motto “Zukunft gestalten”. The F.A.Z. is once again inviting guests to Cap-Europa in Frankfurt am Main. The publishers and editors of the F.A.Z. will be talking to prominent guests about the political, social and economic prospects for the future of Germany, Europe and the world.

Together with a colleague, I also accompany the congress on site and keep the website up to date with any changes to the program and post a live review immediately after the event.

The congress will also be cross-media promoted with digital advertising on the faz.net website, print ads in the F.A.Z. and on social media.

75 Jahre Jubiläum

Last year, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung celebrated its 75th anniversary. A small campaign design was created for this and the landing page freiheitimkopf.de was redesigned accordingly.


I design digital advertising material for various campaigns and areas of the F.A.Z.. This includes, for example, advertising for the F.A.Z. Selectionshop, the new F.A.Z. PRO product range and other advertising material for F.A.Z. products.

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